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Phantom Training Day and Open at Northampton Sailing Club

by Richard Nurse 22 Jun 06:26 BST17-18 June 2023


Northampton has welcomed the Phantom fleet for many years. This year was no different, even with a light but warm forecast the club welcomed seven boat for some mid-season training with local legend John "Titch" Wayling, not so local legend Simon Hawkes and current inland champion Rob Cook.

After a day of looking at boat set up and some low speed boat handling. The local curry was brought in and enjoyed along with a beer or nine.

Now onto Saturday the main event of the weekend fourteen boat rigged ready to go for the half eleven start how once a float the weather was not play and the wind was abandon the reservoir for just over half an hour then as if by magic 8 knots came and PRO Isaac Marsh got racing under way on the club favourite of the inverted P course. Half way up the beat the wind speed halfed and then filling lightly from the right caching some out. The fleet made sort work of downwind legs and the wind back in place the second beat the was shorted after 2 laps with Burton SC Duncan Adams setting up his store for the weekend with race win with local Magic Mike Webster in hot pursuit and Shustoke member Jim Hopton chasing hard.

With the ever changing wind the race team madly trying stay on top some how manage to lose the ground tackle from a gybe mark. So as the RIB dashed to replace it the fleet was once again under AP. The delay was long, and once again the fleet got away. The fleet sailing around as tight group it would John Harrison of Rudyard Lake that would take the gun with Jim second and Duncan third.

It was then a dash for the shore and lunch in the sunshine.


Lunch was followed by a move down the lake with complete race course to try and improve the reach angles. A move that seemed to work in the third race at least with wind bending as it came down the arm of the reservoir. It would once again be Duncan who round the windward mark first, but he would over heat and swim around his boat at Gybe mark still give himself enough time to show his skills as he slid back into the lead with Jim second and John third. Race four the last race of the day and Llandegfedd sailor Simon Lennane would round the windward and first hold the casing fleet of until Jim would squeeze at the last minute with Duncan once again third.

Saturday night and the bar would sell a couple of beers and some food to the resting sailors.

Sunday would dawn with rain and more wind than fleet expected. Once the rain cleared, the air was left sticky.


Northampton Phantom Open - photo © Richard Nurse

Once again the wind would not play and at the ten thirty start time the wind was all but disappear then come back in and then fleet would be off. Taking off from his super Saturday it would Duncan that lead at the first mark but Northampton's Richard Nurse would find the ladder he was looking for and take 6 places on the second beat and he and Duncan would sail downwind together with Duncan round just in front but Richard would once again find the ladder and just take the Gun with Magic Mike third.

Race six and with another move around the lake and once again, the fleet was off. After lots of close racing it would once again be Duncan that would take the win, Mike second and Richard taking third on the beat to the finish.

The final seventh race and fleet would start only to see Duncan miss the start and tack to the lighter right and side to then find the lift that would give him and 150m lead at the first mark that he would hold till the finish, after lots of place changing in the pack it would the Josh Hyland of Chase SC taking second and Mike third.

For the second Midland event in a row, the clear winner was Duncan, which he celebrated with a quick pencil jump off the side of his boat to cool down before be presented with a brand new trophy hand made by Mike Webster, who was second and Jim competing the podium.




Phantom open meeting at Bartley Sailing Club

by Duncan Adams 11 Jun 10:31 BST4 June 2023

This is the second greatest and best write-up in the world...
Tribute maybe.

This is in no way a vanity write-up. Well, maybe.

I had thought I ducked the write-up, but keeping an eye on the Y&Y page or clicking refresh like the early days for a notification on Facebook was starting to become a distraction more than a reason, so I thought I'd better step in so all you lovely lot could read about what went down at the Battle for Bartley on this day of the 4th June 2023.

11 boats arrived on Sunday morning greeted by what's best described as champagne sailing conditions, a clear blue sky and a nice breeze which covered the pond. Thinking about what else could make this event better local lad and Chief Measurer for the class (unless there is another of the same name in the fleet) Steve Ward was doing his meet and greet letting us know a Brew and Bacon Cob was included with the entrants fee.

After which we had a briefing held but the officer of the day... Mr Bownes Snr (I believe) sorry I really should pay more attention to these details. well, to be honest, I should pay more attention to what is said at the briefings as well but that is a long standing issue I've had since school... anyway back to yachting...

For orientation Bartley can be best described as a reservoir for drinking water in Birmingham, England, operated by Severn Trent Water. It covers 460,000 square metres. The reservoir is about 1.05 kilometres long, over 450 metres wide, and about 18 metres deep at the dam. Its surface area is 0.45 square kilometres. with a dam at one end of it... Luckily for us, the wind was blowing from the Dam (have a Google) which means the wind was blowing down the middle-ish.

As I sit here now trying to recall what happened in race one I've realised that I've got no clue. I remember coming off the start line with Mr Richard Sims and hitting the left side getting a lift thinking this feels good keep.. and then I tacked to see the rest of the fleet miles away from me..so we will pick it up from the windward mark.

Adam Froggatt and Mike "Webbo" Webster rounded the mark in an order.. one of them in front of the other... then it must have been Josh "who should have done the report but I'm sailing a blaze this weekend" Hyland and then local Chris "first and last Phantom event" Hawley after.. as the race dragged on I am sure people crossed and positions were gained and lost.

All I know is going up the second to last beat I got into a monster lift, the kind of lift where you know you should look around to see if you are the only one but dare not just in case its not as good as it feels, So onward I went until the side was getting very close and the gap between myself and Webbo was getting shorter, it was at this moment I let myself look around and Oh lord if Carlsberg could make jammy beats that would have been it...

I'm not sure where I went from but I ended up just behind Webbo at the top mark, the look of shock and words of encouragement from him "where the F did you come from" said it all... So now it was just a case to go downhill, every fat lad's favourite leg in marginal planing winds. Webbo and I pull out a bit of breathing space and we exchange places a few times.

Fast forward to the end of the race we kept within a few boat's lengths of each other within the last four BL to the line I got a big header. Webbo could have gotten past me but at the last moment, the lift came back. Which meant first race win to me, Webbo second, third Chris H, fourth Josh, fifth Chris B.

Race two, I am sure you all know that if you take a bullet in race 1 and there are 3 races with one discard all you need to do is win race 2... quick maths... no pressure then! the course stayed the same which was nice..

So off we went... and well.. focusing on getting a good start. off the line clear wind... Easy right... Sadly it was not to be. you know that sinking feeling when you see yourself being rolled by the fleet and the chap in front in my case Adam F dishing dirty wind onto my sail like a gangster flicking money off his palm! So I was left with no choice tack off and find some of the good stuff.

So off I trotted banging right... there was a lift here last time right!! Not this time Dunc.. as my dreams of winning my first open in many years sailed away with the rest of the fleet I had a great view of Adam rounding the mark (note: now smiling after his 7th in race one) closely followed by well everyone.

I'll let you look at the results from race 2, just read them and you'll see, what I can say is at the back on a run you can get clear wind, have a better eye out for the gust etc which was nice. While I was convincing myself it was over I sailed past Webbo who like the all-knowing legend past on some wise words of encouragement... HERO TO ZERO ha ha...

By the end of the race Adam had pressed his go button and was well ahead of the fleet, which left Webbo in second, Josh in third, and I managed to pull back into fourth. Chris H in fifth.

In for lunch which if you have not been to Bartley before the food is always nice.

It was worked out at lunch that out of the three of us, Webbo, Adam and myself whoever won the last race won the event.. not only that it was also worked out that depending if we finished outside the top 3 and Josh or Chris H had won then they would win.. well that span my little head around a few times.. but we came to go sailing not worry about Maths...

I will apologise now. I've not won an open for many years so I kinda did not pay that much attention to what was going on...

Off we went, another clean start and the same course... I recall seeing Chris Hawley to leeward and giving him some words of encouragement as I had just started to hike and he was full-on overpowered. after that, I popped up around the windward mark first closely followed by Adam. now considering how demon fast I am off the wind (jokes) I had to keep an eye on things behind. I was hoping I could get a few cheeky gusts and get away... ha ha, not today.

We nipped and tucked until going up the last beat where I managed to pull away taking first, Adam second, third Chris B who had a nice little tacking battle with Josh who got fourth.

Great racing all day, well done to all, thank you to Bartley and all. Always remember to buy the coach a pint!

Overall Results:

1st Duncan Adams
2nd Adam Froggat
3rd Mike Webster
4th Josh Hayland
5th Chris Bownes
6th Chris Hawley
7th Richard Sims
8th Steve Ward
9th Hohn Harrison
10th Paul Everton
11th Brian Webley



Phantom Open at Creeksea Sailing Club

by Mark Spruce 10 Jun 20:08 BST3-4 June 2023

I overheard a comment once, "that the Essex Massive couldn't organise a P*$$ up (*Phantom up) in a brewery" they said? Well, "they only went and blew the b$*^%y doors off!".

Drive east off the M25, just north of Old Father Thames and you head into an eastern county full of lush fields, green woods, orchards & dairy cows, country churches & village cricket greens and wood-clad houses resembling old, bleached boat hulls stranded on the shore.

Keep driving until you can smell the sea salt in the air - then turn down a twisty, narrow, leafy lane until you can see the water and a collection of dinghies parked on the grass under the sun dappled, woody canopy. You can only hear the sound of the wind through the trees, clanking the odd halyard against masts, a lone cuckoo and other bird song in the surrounding woodland.

You've reached Creeksea and its wonderful, hidden gem of a sailing club, hidden away on the northern banks of the River Crouch!

16 Phantom sailors entered for the second event in the Phantom Eastern Region series for this famed, Creeksea SC Open meeting.

The club encouraged sailors to turn up early and enjoy camping on their beautiful grounds, providing a great BBQ and a barrel of the local brewer's ale for all those who arrived on the Friday evening. A great opportunity to renew old acquaintances, meet new friends, share the craich and try to psyche out the competition!

We woke on Saturday to a weekend of wall to wall blue skies and a 15knot NE gradient breeze that increased to 22knots with reinforcement from the sea breeze and funnelling along the river. Perfect!

Of course, not all is plain sailing along this stretch of the river - it twists and turns, deepens and shallows, diverting strong tidal flow into a myriad of eddies and counter currents in the brown water. It hides behinds stands of trees, dock wharves and buildings to interrupt the strong wind creating big wind shadows, lifts and knocks. The Creeksea Fleet deliberately designed it this way - to give the locals home advantage and to frustrate all those visitors who think they can come from "civilisation" and steal all their silver ware!

Despite Chris Roberts snatching a well-deserved win from Bill Taylor and Mark Spruce in R1, Saturday was dominated by Terry John with a bullet in R2 and doing it again in R3 following the break ashore in the sun for afternoon tea.

Terry took a 2 point advantage at the end of the day's racing over, a very consistent, Bill Taylor but the shifty & strong tidal conditions mixed the rest of the fleet's results up with a big points gap to the bulk of the fleet who were all sitting with only a point or 2 between them.

After several 2 mile beats in their legs it was a tired fleet who recovered their boats and made themselves ready for the nights "Main Event".

Did I mention a brewery?

A very pleasant evening was spent eating and drinking a variety of craft beers at Wibbler's Brewery in nearby Southminster! So, it's not true - the Creeksea Massive CAN organise a P... .. in a brewery!

Sunday broke to more of the same. Wall to wall sunshine and a moderate to strong NE wind. There were some very tired (Hungover? You may say that, I couldn't possibly comment!) sailors emerging from camper vans and tents desperately applying the factor 50 and massaging sore muscles for the hiking and pumping (sorry, sheet pulling!) to come.

Sail, eat, drink, sleep - repeat!

The results were more spread out with race wins going to Bill Taylor, Mark Spruce and Terry Johns but again it was Terry (net.9pts) and Bill's (net.11 points) consistency that separated them from the rest of the fleet. Neither finished any race outside the top ten and, after discards, both only counted top 5 finishes. Very impressive sailing in such varied and challenging conditions. The last place on the podium went to Roger Smith (net.22 points).

Close racing in the middle of the fleet meant sailors needed to fight right to the last race. Only 6 points separated the next 5 boats, with count-backs required to split point ties.

A testament to the Phantom itself - 18 year old boats competing with nearly new and a big range in ages and body weights all being competitive.

A great event was wrapped up again with afternoon tea in the sun for the whole fleet and the prize-giving.

As always, these events don't happen by themselves and the entire fleet thanked the Creeksea Massive organisers - Bill Taylor, Chris Roberts and Graham Dale-Jones for running such a laid back and unique event. Particular thanks went to the Race Officer Keith Fedi & his team and David Chick & Shaun who spent both days keeping a watchful eye on the fleet and providing the photos from the Creeksea SC patrol RIB. Not forgetting Mrs Roberts for the fantastic afternoon teas which I think she stole from the local cricket club?

Thank you - your humble narrator, for one, will be back!

The next event in the Eastern Phantom series is Royal Harwich YC on 1st & 2nd July - get your entries in to ensure your fun!





Phantom Training Day and Open at Northampton Sailing Club - Preview

by Mike Webster 2 Jun 10:02

Event Date: BST16-18 June 2023


Phantoms at Northampton © Northampton Sailing Club

Another year, another two day open, proceeded by a training day at Northampton to look forward to.

Hold/book the date:

  • Friday 16th June - Training Day
  • Saturday / Sunday 17th/18th June - Phantom Open

With many Phantomers keen to make a long weekend of it, the club will be open to visitors for the regular Thursday evening club racing (7.00pm start) followed by a hearty evening meal provided by Martin and Sarah our in-house caterers.

Details are now set and the club are excited to host a Phantom Training Day commencing at 11.00am with an onshore boat set up and tuning session followed by on the water coaching and sprint races to practice starting techniques and boat handling skills. Coaching, which is free to Phantom Class Members (£20.00 for non members, which happens to be the subscription fee to join the association !!) will be provided by no less than four experts, keen to pass on their knowledge and proven expertise. Including Phantom aficionado - John 'Titch' Wayling, P&B's - Isaac Marsh (Race Officer for the event), current Inland Champion -Rob Cook and past Inland Champion -Simon Hawkes !

That's a lot of knowledge to tap into, don't miss out.......

The open event over the weekend, sponsored by P&B, will be a great opportunity to put into practice those newly honed skills and techniques and perhaps test out some go-fast rig settings !

Those familiar with Northampton Sailing Club will know it's a great venue set in beautiful surroundings and friendly atmosphere. Camping and full catering is available on site over the whole long weekend with a bookable evening meal on Friday and Saturday evening providing the perfect setting for the well-known Phantom social scene.

Full entry details are now available on the club website with NoR and SI's to follow soon at northamptonsailingclub.org


We are looking forward to welcoming familiar faces and first timers to NSC from across the regions to support the growing home Phantom fleet.




Phantom Inland Championship at Chase Sailing Club

by Mike Webster 28 Apr 09:43 BST22-23 April 2023

Phantom Inlands 2023 © Chase SC

Just shy of 30 boats arrived at Chase SC to a very warm welcome and organized crew of volunteers for the two day Championships.

With an impressive line up of helms it promised to be a thriller and didn't disappoint, resulting in one of the closest contested championships seen in recent years. The depth of quality in the fleet continues to grow around the country with many new faces challenging the stalwarts of the class. The weekend was to see six separate race winners (more on that later) proving the event was wide open.

The wind was an improvement on the forecast with a variable 8-10 knts on day one with a little less forecast for day two. Race Officer - Graham Flynn briefed the competitors with an anticipated four races back to back on the Saturday making the most of the breeze.

Race 1

With a surprisingly clean start Martin Watts - Netley SC, a self confessed sea sailor nailed the first beat, leading the fleet round the course. This pond sailing is easier than he thought, stretching his lead, but with a menacing pack of half a dozen boats ahead of the main fleet keen to prove him wrong.

It's not over till the fat lady sings and the final beat provided a cruel lesson for Martin as the chasing pack sailed on a 30 degree lift allowing Adam Froggatt - Chase SC to sneak past to take line honors closely followed by Rob Cook - Northampton SC. Martin managing to hang onto third with Ben Hawkes threatening in forth. Pond sailing isn't that easy after all !!

Phantom Inlands 2023 © Chase SC

Race 2

The short start lines over the weekend and shifting bias proved challenging for most, with the Black Flag coming into play testing the nerves with front row heroes, middle row minders and third row losers. Rob making his presence known this time leading at the windward mark closely followed by Adam and Carl Gibbon - Burton SC. The leading group of six boats clear ahead of the fleet pushing each other making most of the passing places on the shifty beats and patchy pressure on the long down wind legs. The rest of the fleet having very close racing, with mark rounding's a major place changing opportunity. Carl sailed well to take his first bullet with Adam and Rob following close behind in second and third. Ben Hawkes - RAFSC/ Snettisham Beach SC consistent with another forth place.

Race 3

The Black Flag made its appearance again, this time claiming Northamptom team mates Mike Webster and Richard Nurse onto the white Board. "Hard to believe there were only two numbers " was their cry. But with some confusing starting/flag sequence issues their on the water protest to the race team was noted...... to be continued off the water!

The racing fleet looked on in amazement as Simon Hawkes - Wimbleball SC took full advantage of a tiny gap at the pin end to make an impressive port end flyer, crossing the fleet with a big smile. Mark Spruce - Lee on Solent SC played the shifts beautifully to round first at the top mark holding on until the long downwind leg with Rob and Carl showing their pace with Martin, Simon and Josh Hyland- Chase SC all close behind. Rob taking his first bullet of the day, making an impressive 2,3,1. Carl claiming second place from Martin with Josh sealing forth.

Mike and Richard were both on the naughty step later in the evening with the protest committee in full swing, headed up no less by current Phantom National Champion Andy Davies deliberating over the starting sequence issues. Both were exonerated being awarded redress with average series points for race three.

Phantom Inlands 2023 © Chase SC

Race 4

The Race Officer took advantage of the holding breeze to sail the forth race After a clean start Rob sailing consistently up the beat again lead at mark one with Mike on his heels who was like a coiled spring after sitting out race three pulling through to the lead after the first leg with Rob uncharacteristically dropping back through the chasing pack lead by Ben. Richard also fired up, pressed into third place but Mike continued to extend his lead finishing a leg in front of Ben, Richard and Carl.

Moira Nash, daughter of Brian Taylor the co-designer of the Phantom made a welcome appearance to greet the sailors ashore having enjoyed watching the days racing and chatting with the fleet into the evening.

After a full days racing the sailors and volunteers were ready for some liquid refreshment and supper courtesy of the local fish and chip van parked on site.

Entertainment for the evening was proving by local band 'The Interpreters' - a rock, soul, rhythm and blues and ska punk genre with a big helping of reggae, kicking off the night with 'Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll' along with many well known classics ' Is Vic there' (Titch... no she wasn't) 'London Calling', 'Lip up Fatty' to name a few. But before the main act Mike took to the stage, holding the mike... were the crowd in for one of his famous karaoke renditions? Thankfully no!

Instead announcing the free pints were being awarded to the 'First to the Windward Mark' for each race courtesy of Rob Cook. Take a bow Martin, Mark and Rob.

In addition 'Dick of the Day' had plenty of nominations and the award goes to... Sorry, what happens at the Inlands stays at the Inlands.

A great evening was had by all, always an important part of the Phantom Sailing scene with a rare sight of Phantom sailors dancing to the cracking tunes, 'Madness' attracting the older generation to the floor with the younger end of the fleet amazed the oldies knew all the words !

With a few sore heads Sunday morning commenced with a hearty breakfast from the cheery galley crew. Overnight leader Rob was looking good looking to pick up where he left off but with consistent performances from Adam, Carl and Ben it was going to be a tense day in the light and shifty breeze.

Phantom Inlands 2023 © Chase SC

Race 5

To shake up the front runners Jim Hopton - Shustoke SC hit the shifts up the first beat to clear the windward mark several boats lengths ahead of the next boat. The light airs and patchy pressure was a tricky combination, Jim joining the pressure to extend his lead to nearly a full leg, was there no catching him? With the fat lady still hanging around Ben, Adam and Carl knew not to give up and in another cruel twist as in race one, Jim lost his huge lead on the run and final beat allowing Ben to take his first race win of the weekend followed by Adam and a disappointed Jim in third.

Rob showed his first poor result of the weekend finishing in eleventh praying for a final race to allow the discard to come into play and Adam a thirteenth including a DSQ from the previous day surely out of the running now but with a point to prove.

Race 6

Race officer Graham Flynn and the team set and reset the line and windward mark waiting for the forecast breeze to appear. After a number of repeated postponements the pressure eventually arrived having veered ninety degrees.

Another Black Flag ensured a clean start and rounding the top of the course this time Duncan Adams - Burton SC showing the fleet his transom with Richard, Josh and Jim all pushing for a top three.

Adam, Rob, Ben and Carl had other things on their minds all knowing the points were so tight at the top that the final race positions could be crucial on count back if the points tied. Duncan became the sixth and final race winner of the weekend, Richard and Josh saving their best till last in second and third with Jim punching up into another consistent forth.

Another protest delayed the results testing the nerves and the leaders all doing their own calculations. In the end the top three places tied on 18 pts but with the count back Rob Cook did what he needed to do in the final race finishing ahead of his competition and becoming the 2023 Phantom Inland National Champion.

Congratulations to Rob Cook - Northampton SC on taking the title at the third time of trying and to all the competitors for providing a very close and competitive championship.

Rob thanked Chase Sailing Club for hosting the very successful event and in particular the Race team, safety team, protest committee and probably the best organized shore team not forgetting amazing galley and bar teams.

Thanks were also made to Pinnell & Bax for their sponsorship of the event and generous prizes provided.

Overall Results:



To see more picture of the Inlands... click on this LINK






South Eastern Phantom Open - Shoreham - 9&10th April 2023

Report written by Chris Shelton

The first event of the 2023 Phantom South East Traveller Series took place over the Sunday and Monday of the Easter weekend at Shoreham SC. The entry was very disappointing with only 4 Phantoms, but as the Open Meeting was being sailed within the club’s Easter Cup series there were plenty of boats on the water in total. A combination of family commitments and an unfavourable forecast was probably the reason for the poor attendance.

Sunday’s wind was exactly as forecast, a South Easterly F2, but what was not forecast was the sea mist, which meant at times you could not see the harbour wall on the other side of the entrance. This left the Race Officer no option except to postpone and hope that the mist cleared enough for sailing to take place. After about an hour the visibility was slightly better and the committee and safety boats launched to assess the situation in the course area. The message came back that racing was on and the fleet launched just after midday after having to wait for a ship to enter the harbour.

The RO set a traditional triangle-sausage course and the fleet got away cleanly for Race 1. On the first beat the Phantoms of Ivan Walsh, Chris Shelton and Mark Spruce were all close together. Phil Popple was a little way behind having got tangled up with a National 12 on the start line. At the windward mark it was Ivan, then Chris, then Mark, but there was not more than 100 yards separating all 3 boats. The positions stayed the same until the second beat when Ivan fluffed a tack allowing Chris to overtake. It did not stay like this for long and Ivan was soon back in front with the boats rounding the windward mark in the same order as the first lap. The boats stayed in this sequence for remainder of Race 1 with Ivan finishing first, Chris second, Mark third and Phil fourth. For a South Easterly wind that you would expect to be coming right across the open water of the English Channel it was very shifty. The shifts were generally not that sudden, but could move 15 to 20 degrees at times. The strength was also up and down a bit but there did not seem to be any pattern to the variations.

Race 2 was soon underway and this time all 4 Phantoms were off the line cleanly with very little difference in boat speed. Different boats crossed ahead of each other until about the final third of the beat. At this stage Chris picked up a beautiful lift and rounded the windward mark not only well ahead of the other Phantoms, but also ahead of the faster Merlin Rockets. Phil was second round the windward mark and Ivan third. The shifts on the first beat had not gone in Mark’s favour and in the end he decided that an early shower was the best option. Places amongst the Phantoms remained the same for the rest of the race and although Phil was catching Chris slightly, he was still second at the finish.

As the visibility started closing in again the boats returned to the harbour. Back in the clubhouse the discussion was centered on the forecast for Monday when two more races were scheduled. Unfortunately the forecast turned out to be correct and with a steady F5-6 with stronger gusts on top, coupled with heavy rain and limited visibility, the RO made the sensible decision to cancel Monday’s racing.

That left the overall result based on Sunday’s racing:

Thanks must go to Shoreham SC for persevering with Sunday and achieving two really good races. The course was laid well and waiting between races was kept to a minimum.



Phantom open meeting at Bowmoor Sailing Club

by Richard Nurse 2 Apr 19:48 BST1 April 2023

April 1st saw ten boats travel through some small floods to reach the club where a strong home turnout of eight awaited for the 2023 Bowmoor SC Phantom open meeting.

Sailors gathered in the clubhouse for breakfast and briefing as buoys got twisted into place for what would not be the last time of the day. The fleet quickly got afloat on the tropical blue water.

Race one got away, and it was Richard Sims who led the fleet around the windward mark but in the game of snakes and ladders, it was the local of Charlie Samson who would pull through and take the gun followed closely by Chase SC rep Adam Froggatt.

Race two followed quickly after and was once again it was a battle between Adam and Charlie at the front, with Charlie once again coming out triumphant.

Now time for lunch, the fleet headed for the club house as the result was undertaken, the wind flicked 90 degrees but as the fleet returned to the water it moved back 45.

Race three got under way, Adam lead most of the race but made an uncharacteristic mistake and was Charlie that once again take the line honours. With first and second now determined, the final race was no change with Charlie and Adam leading the fleet.

Prize-giving followed where Charlie thanked all involved in the day.

Next up on the Phantom calendar in Shoreham next Easter Sunday and Monday. After that the Inlands hosted by Chase in Staffordshire on the 22nd and 23rd April.


all photos © Stephen Tanner

all photos © Stephen Tanner

Overall Results:





Random Phantom Image

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